Ardiansyah, Rifki (2022) PERENCANAAN PENERAPAN AREA TRAFFIC CONTROL SYSTEM (ATCS) PADA SIMPANG BERSINYAL DI KOTA BEKASI. Sarjana (S1) thesis, Universitas islam "45" Bekasi.

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As one of Indonesia's cities, which has a fairly high population, it can cause problems when everyone moves simultaneously. Thus, making intersections one of the influential points in contributing to the level of congestion, especially at signalized intersections on Jl. HM. Joyo Martono (I) and the intersection of Jl. Chairil Anwar (II) with a distance of 680 meters. Area Traffic Control System (ATCS) is here as a solution. Area Traffic Control System (ATCS) is a system that regulates crossroads traffic using traffic lights where traffic arrangements at each intersection are coordinated. Data collection was carried out using direct surveys at both intersections, namely in the form of vehicle volume, geometric data of the roads of the two intersections, signal time, vehicle travel speed, and distance between intersections. Data processing was processed using the Indonesian Road Capacity Manual (MKJI 1997). The results of this study for the existing performance before the installation of ATCS (Area Traffic Control System) obtained DS intersection H.M. Joyo Maryono north of 1.33, the east intersection of 0.77, the south intersection of 1.29 and west intersection of 1.04, while for DS Chairil Anwar north intersection of 1.06, the east intersection of 0.49, for DS intersection south of 0.557 and west intersection of 1.11. After planning the coordination of the H.M. Joyo Martono and Chairil Anwar obtained a cycle time of 236 seconds for the two intersections. Installation of the Area Traffic Control System (ATCS) is appropriate to be applied to the H.M. Joyo Martono and Chairil Anwar because the DS obtained after installing the ATCS (Area Traffic Control System) has decreased, namely the DS value for the H.M. Joyo Maryono north is 0.83, for the east intersection is 0.73 and for the south and west intersection is 0.79, while for the north and east Chairil Anwar intersection is 0.51, for the south corner is 0.56 and for the west intersection of 0.53.

Item Type: Thesis (TA, Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi) (Sarjana (S1))
Contributors/Dosen Pembimbing,NIDN Dosen bisa diakses di LINK
ContributionContributors / Dosen PembimbingNIDN
UNSPECIFIEDNuryati, Sri0407126801
UNSPECIFIEDYulius, Elma0404098204
Keywords / Kata Kunci: Kinerja Simpang, Waktu Siklus, Koordinasi ATCS.
Subjects: Transportasi (Perancangan Jalan)
Faculty: Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Sipil S1
Depositing User: Mr. Rifki Ardiansyah
Date Deposited: 06 Dec 2022 08:41
Last Modified: 06 Dec 2022 08:41

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