Romdhoni, Syahru (2025) PERAN KELUARGA DALAM PENDIDIKAN AKHLAK REMAJA ATTAQWA DI UJUNG HARAPAN BEKASI. Sarjana (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam 45 Bekasi.

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This study aims to explore the role of the family in forming good morals in adolescents in Attaqwa, Ujung Harapan Bekasi, as well as to identify factors that support and inhibit the role of the family in the process. In addition, this study also wanted to explore the extent to which family education contributes to fostering adolescent morals in Attaqwa, Ujung Harapan Bekasi. The method used in this study is a descriptive qualitative approach with field methods. Data sources used include primary and secondary data. Data collection is done through interviews, observations, and documentation. Interviews were conducted with a number of relevant parties, such as the head of RT, head of RW, family members, and teenagers. Observations were made to observe directly the behavior of adolescents in the Attaqwa Ujung Harapan Bekasi environment. Meanwhile, documentation aims to collect various relevant documents, such as population data and other documents related to the research topic. The results of this study reveal that the role of the family in moral education Attaqwa Ujung Harapan Bekasi teenagers is very crucial. Some of the values taught by the family include teaching filial piety to parents (birrul walidain) through good example, as well as teaching responsibility to Allah through the practice of worship, ethics, manners, independence, and manners in dress. In addition, families also have an active role in supervising and guiding adolescents ' relationships, in ways such as conducting discussions, giving advice, monitoring the content consumed by adolescents, as well as creating open communication and providing emotional support. The main purpose of this moral education is to form adolescents who value each other, are honest, responsible, and have respect for others. Thus, the family plays a very important role in shaping the character and good morals in adolescents.

Item Type: Thesis (TA, Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi) (Sarjana (S1))
Contributors/Dosen Pembimbing,NIDN Dosen bisa diakses di LINK
ContributionContributors / Dosen PembimbingNIDN
UNSPECIFIEDAsiah, Siti02020067401
Keywords / Kata Kunci: Keywords: Family Role, Youth Morality
Subjects: Pendidikan Agama Islam
Faculty: Fakultas Agama Islam > Pendidikan Agama Islam S1
Depositing User: Mr. Syahru Romdhoni
Date Deposited: 05 Feb 2025 10:00
Last Modified: 05 Feb 2025 10:00

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