Masturoh, Zahrani (2024) STRATEGI GURU PAI DALAM MENINGKATKAN HAFALAN QUR’AN DI KELAS TAHFIDZ SMAN 2 TAMBUN SELATAN. Sarjana (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam 45 Bekasi.

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Zahrani Masturoh. 41182911200018. PAI TEACHER'S STRATEGY IN IMPROVING AL-QUR'AN MEMORATION IN THE TAHFIDZ CLASS OF SMAN 2 TAMBUN SELATAN. Islamic Religious Education Study Program. Faculty of Islamic Religion. Islamic University 45 Bekasi. (1446 H/2024 M). This research aims to find out what PAI teachers' strategies are in improving Qur'an memorization in the tahfidz class at SMAN 2 South Tambun and to find out the supporting and inhibiting factors for PAI teachers in improving Al-Qur'an memorization at SMAN 2 South Tambun. The formulation of the problem in this research is what are the strategies of PAI teachers in increasing memorization of the Al-Qur'an at SMAN 2 Tambun Selatan and what are the supporting and inhibiting factors for PAI teachers in improving memorization of the Al-Qur'an at SMAN 2 Tambun Selatan. This research uses descriptive qualitative methods. The results of this research show that the PAI teacher's strategy in increasing memorization of the Al-Qur'an in the tahfidz class at SMAN 2 Tambun Selatan is goal-oriented, providing motivation, personal approach, and evaluation. These strategies can improve the memorization of the Al-Qur'an for students in the Tahfidz class at SMAN 2 Tambun Selatan, as seen by one student named Asiyah. Previously, Asiyah had memorized 5 juz, and after participating in the tahfidz program at SMAN 2 Tambun Selatan, her memorization increased to 7 juz. Supporting factors for the strategy of Islamic religious education teachers in increasing memorization of the Qur'an in the tahfidz class at SMAN 2 Tambun Selatan are provision of facilities and time, support from student parents, Mabit activities (Night for Building Faith and Taqwa), Ifthor Jamal activities (fasting Mondays and Thursdays), and outbound activities (learning outside of school). The inhibiting factors for Islamic religious education teachers' strategies in improving memorization of the Al-Qur'an in the tahfidz class at SMAN 2 Tambun Selatan are: student focus, student environment or social interactions, and student memory. The solution used by PAI teachers to solve students' obstacles in memorizing the Qur'an is to give an ultimatin, the student must take a tahfidz program class for at least half an hour and must make a deposit first.

Item Type: Thesis (TA, Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi) (Sarjana (S1))
Contributors/Dosen Pembimbing,NIDN Dosen bisa diakses di LINK
ContributionContributors / Dosen PembimbingNIDN
UNSPECIFIEDAsiah, Siti02020067401
Keywords / Kata Kunci: Strategy, PAI Teacher, Tahfidz.
Subjects: Pendidikan
Faculty: Fakultas Agama Islam > Pendidikan Agama Islam S1
Depositing User: Ms. Zahrani Masturoh
Date Deposited: 16 Dec 2024 09:41
Last Modified: 16 Dec 2024 09:41

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