Kartiko, Rahmat Adi (2023) STRATEGI PENGELOLAAN MEDIA ONLINE WEBSITE DAN INSTAGRAM @infobekasi.coo SEBAGAI SUMBER INFORMASI MASYARAKAT BEKASI. Sarjana (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam 45 Bekasi.

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ABSTRACT Islamic University 45 Bekasi Faculty of Communication, Letters and Languages 2022 Rahmat Adi Kartiko / 41182037180093 Thesis with the title "Online Website Media Management Strategy and Instagram @infobekasi.coo as Bekasi Community Information Media' Under the Guidance of Mrs. Siti Khadijah Total of 102 Thesis Pages and 14 Roman Pages, 35 List of Figures, 2 List of Tables, and 2 Pages of Attachments Reporting of a news item is highly anticipated by audiences who need information, especially if the news is new, current, or up to date. From this description, nowadays it is not surprising that Online Media Sites appear or what we usually call news portals that rely on actuality, such as @infobekasi.coo. Based on the problem that the writer formulated, the goal to be achieved in this research is to find out @infobekasi.coo's strategy in managing the Online Media Website and Instagram @infobekasi.coo as a source of information for the Bekasi community. The method used in this research is qualitative, namely research procedures that produce descriptive data in the form of photos, videos, written and oral data from observable people. From the results of research on "Online Media Management Strategy for the Website and Instagram @infobekasi.coo as a Source of Information for the Bekasi Community" it can be concluded as follows: @infobekasi.coo has carried out the Elements of Online Media Management as written in the Online Journalism book which written by Romli, although there are some elements that are not too focused, such as SEO and sponsorship. This is known after the author conducted research on several well-known websites about Bekasi information. @infobekasi.coo had 11,361 visitors as of August, in first place was Radar Bekasi with a total of 84,457 visitors, and third and so on were Pena Pekasi and Go Bekasi with around 5,764 visitors. Keywords: Instagram, Journalism, Management, Online Media, Strategy, Website

Item Type: Thesis (TA, Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi) (Sarjana (S1))
Contributors/Dosen Pembimbing,NIDN Dosen bisa diakses di LINK
ContributionContributors / Dosen PembimbingNIDN
UNSPECIFIEDKhadijah, Siti45101022011001
Keywords / Kata Kunci: Strategi, Website, Media Online, Instagram, Media Informasi
Subjects: Jurnalistik
Faculty: Fakultas Komunikasi Sastra dan Bahasa > Ilmu Komunikasi S1
Depositing User: Mr. Rahmat Adi Kartiko, S.Ikom
Date Deposited: 23 Jan 2023 08:32
Last Modified: 07 Feb 2025 02:40

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